Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Worship

It is approx 4:50a on Monday, and I'm up early to post a blog and upload pictures while the internet connection is at its best.  I had a very restful weekend, and raring to go to our 7th clinic site @ Sampov mountain.

Sunday was an awesome day of refreshment.  We attended church @ the trade school, and were blessed by the worship service.. The service began with the women leading the praise service.  Of course, it was completely in Khmer but some of the music was familiar.  Several of us tried to sing or at least hum the tune.  You can see the joy of the LORD in these many of these people.  I think about how transforming the trade school is for these young women.  There is not doubt that God will use them in a mighty way as spiritual examples in communities throughout the country as they live productive lives and serve Jesus.  The children sing a special number, and they are truly a joy to capture their shining faces.  The translators also took their turn singing a special.  These young people have truly served this cause way beyond my expectations.  Pastor Ron Cole spoke the morning message through a translator and spoke of the love of Christ.  It reminds me of the old hymn, "I love to tell the story."

I love to tell the story
 of unseen things above,
 of Jesus and his glory,
 of Jesus and his love. 
 I love to tell the story,
 because I know 'tis true;
 it satisfies my longings
 as nothing else can do. 
 I love to tell the story,
 'twill be my theme in glory,
 to tell the old, old story
 of Jesus and his love.

After the service, we toured the surrounding campus and speak to some of the students.  These ladies all exhibit the love of Christ in their demeanor, and I believe have an excellent work ethic.  They are truly an asset to the local Christian community, and I sense will become future leaders by example to the Khmer women throughout the country.

The TA team invited the drama team to lunch.  Over 30 of us sat at one very long table, and it was mandatory to mix the translators, the drama team and the TA team throughout.  We had a great meal as well as fellowship.

In the afternoon, 4 of TA staff and 3 fellow translators were invited to Wat's family home.  Wat is a 6th year dental student in Phenom Penh, and received Christ as his Savior about 3 years ago.  He is an exceptional translator and has worked very hard helping wherever he can.  Since we have been in his hometown these last several days, Wat has been able to witness to his family and explain the gospel for about 2.5 hours.   We have already prayed as a team earlier in the day.  Now, we arrive at the well-appointed residence to answer any questions his family has about the Christian faith, and also show them genuine Christian love.  Kurt takes the lead and we exchange pleasantries.  We learn that Wat's father is the "district chief" (ie, Mayor) of Battambang city (approx population, 150k).  Kurt opens up the discussion, and we also find out that Wat's mother has accepted Christ just a few hours earlier.  In addition, Narie (one of Wat's fellow translators and dental students) asks a question about church attendance (does this save you?).  She also has accepted Christ and turned from her Buddhist faith this morning after being in the worship service.  We are overjoyed at these reports, and make preparations for the family to receive Bibles as well as help direct them to a local body of believers.
Our evening meal is prepared by the women @ the Trade Center.  The food is delicious, and we have a time of fun and fellowship that I will not soon forget.  
It is pure joy to see many Cambodian people come to know Christ.  In some camps, as many as NINETY-FIVE PERCENT have never even heard of JESUS.  Thank you for praying, and please continue. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Dr. S. for sharing. I am overjoyed to hear your stories and how God is at work there.
